Tips for Getting the Kids – and Yourself – Ready for the School Year
The signs of summer’s end are here – back to school displays in Target, the Minnesota State Fair, and the temperature dipping a bit.
After a summer of time at the lake and family vacations, what’s the best way to get the kiddos – and yourself – ready for the school year? Here are some tips.
First of all, start talking positively about school. This will get kids thinking about friends they will see again daily as well as new friends that they will make. If your child’s school hosts a back-to-school night, make a point to go so he or she starts feeling the school environment again.
Second, listen to any concerns that your child has. You can help him or her practice appropriate responses to any difficult situations.
One of the biggest areas, of course, is the switch to an earlier wake up time. Now’s the time to start making incremental adjustments so your child starts getting used to going to bed earlier.
Finally, start exercising your child’s brain by finding natural opportunities to incorporate math and encouraging him or her to spend free time reading.
By taking a proactive approach and following these tips, the start of the school year should go smoother for both your children and you.