Our Involvement with CAI/MHA/Continuing Education
Omega Property Management is involved in several organizations that serve and educate the multi-housing industry as well common interest communities. Since we are Minnesota based, we are part of the MHA/CIC Midwest chapter and CAI Minnesota chapter, as these are the chapters that represent this part of the state. As a property management company, we are committed to educating our communities’ boards of directors as well as homeowners that live in their respective associations.
The only way to educate, though, is to educate our managers and staff. Our association managers attend several educational seminars and courses throughout the calendar year on various topics that are hosted by either CAI or MHA/CIC Midwest. These courses often include topics such as insurance, finance, leadership, governance and communications. These educational events also allow us to network and learn about new things evolving in the industry that we may not know of or need a better understanding on.
Just in 2019, on average, our association managers attended 12 educational events and courses. Our staff also receives education, but since they are more operations based, they take a few hours out of the day to review training videos, read books such as the HOA Primer that each new member of our company is required to read in order to understand what exactly our industry consists of.
Overall, we are extremely passionate about serving our clients with the best service by educating ourselves and others around us. In order to serve our clients, we are committed to continue self-educating ourselves by attending CAI and MHA/CIC Midwest events as well as seek out other resources around us to expand our knowledge base. As you know, knowledge is not a thing that is learned; it is a thing that is obtained through experience and education.