How to Maintain Grass Roof Sheds

Posted by Omega | Oct 23, 2017

As recent temperatures have been in the 70s, it seems that summer is having one last burst.

With that in mind, we look at a unique property we manage in Eden Prairie that has grass roof – or green roof – sheds.

Now, there are some twists when it comes to maintaining a grass roof shed compared to a regular roof – think more along the lines of keeping up a lawn. For instance, the grass needs to be trimmed – but just a couple of times per season or as needed. We also keep an eye out for and remove invasive weeds.

Other actions to consider for maintaining grass roof sheds include fertilizing the roof, checking for roots penetrating the membrane, taking care of disease and pests, removing stray tree seedlings, and keeping gutters and drains clean.

To ensure that the grass doesn’t die, we installed an automatic waterer. This is important because winds often are more intense higher up with nothing to block them, which can take moisture away from plants more quickly.

Check out photos of the grass roof sheds in Eden Prairie above.