Diving into Association Pool Management
An indoor or outdoor swimming pool is one of the most popular Association amenities. It’s a place to cool off on a hot Minnesota summer day. The swimming pool is also a social gathering place for the community. Having a swimming pool as an Association amenity means enjoying it without having the work and cost of installing and managing your own. Yet, this year has not gone as planned when it comes to swimming pool fun. As you know, COVID-19 has put a damper on social interactions, including the use of all amenities. Read our blog as we dive into association pool management and what that means for your community.
Changes to Pool Openings and Operations
Although the governor has opened swimming pools, it hasn’t been easy to ensure that we adhere to very stringent guidelines. Here’s how pool openings and operations will change for the time being:
● Each pool and pool area can only be at 50 percent capacity.
● Social distance of six feet will remain in effect, including placing the pool furniture at the same distance.
● A person will be hired to monitor the pool, or we will explore the opportunity to staff this position by a volunteer.
● Sanitation stations will be set up.
● There will be scheduled wipe-downs and cleanings of the pool furniture and area.
● Additional signage will be posted in the pool area related to capacity, cleaning, handwashing, and restrictions like not to enter the area if sick.
Each Association pool is being handled individually. In some cases, the vendors for certain communities have taken on the responsibility of setting up these new guidelines. In other cases, we, as the managing agent, are working to put supplies, signage, and oversight in place.
Pool Maintenance Continues
It may have been strange the last few months to see a pool professional servicing the community pool despite closure. However, pool maintenance must continue whether people can swim or not. Not only does it assist in ensuring everyone’s health, but the maintenance also keeps expenses low. It’s better to cover the lower cost of a certified pool professional than face the cost of new commercial pool equipment or new pool plaster.
To properly maintain a swimming pool, the water chemistry must be regularly checked and addressed. Keeping the right balance means clean, healthy swimming pool water. Not doing so can result in water that could harm people as well as equipment and the pool structure through algae growth and more. Also, untreated standing water becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and no one wants swampy pool water or pests buzzing around them.
Association pools are overseen by government agencies that must inspect and ensure each swimming pool meets stringent health and safety standards. In maintaining the pool water and regularly clearing out debris, it also means the Association pool is ready for the county inspector and then residents as soon as we have the green light to open.
Partnering with Certified Professionals
Having the ability to understand pool chemistry, equipment operation, and health and safety standards requires education. Every Association only uses a Certified Pool Operator (CPO).
This means that the pool professional has received a CPO certificate and reached a certain level of experience and knowledge to deliver excellent results. To get that certification, a pool professional must complete a minimum of 14 to 16 hours of classroom instruction and training and then pass a rigorous test.
Care and Concern During COVID-19
The unprecedented events of the last few months have been challenging for everyone. We realize that, as an Association homeowner, you are anxious to get in the pool and make the most of the amenities as a way to cope with the “cabin fever” and get back to some type of normal.
The guidance from the CDC and other agencies has been continually shifting, and we are doing our best to follow the changes. We also have sought advice from trusted pool professional vendors on how to manage ongoing pool maintenance as well as better understand any health implications associated with COVID-19, swimming pool water, and pool use.
In the Swim Again
When we are ready to swim again, please keep the following guidelines in mind:
● Be respectful of social distancing and others’ preferences for distancing, masks, or anything else that makes everyone feel comfortable.
● Do not bring your own seating into the pool area. Many types of pool furniture, including those with metal legs, can damage pool areas, such as stamped concrete on a pool deck.
● Be patient as we all manage the changes and requirements that will allow us all to enjoy these amenities while prioritizing the health and safety of everyone.
Omega Property Management is ready to serve all your association’s needs. For additional information and questions, please email our customer service team at service@omega-mgt.com or call 763.449.9100.